For over 20 years we have been creating IT solutions crucial for the healthcare system | Centrum e-Zdrowia

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For over 20 years we have been creating IT solutions crucial for the healthcare system


About us

The main subject of the Centrum e-Zdrowia (e-Health Centre) activity is to carry out tasks concerning the development of the information society, including organisation and protection of health, and supporting management decisions of the minister in charge of health, based on the conducted analyses.

We manage over 50 central IT systems and systems supporting disease prevention and patient treatment on a daily basis. E-health system (P1) is our flagship project, and our portfolio of digital services for citizens includes: Internetowe Konto Pacjenta (IKP), mojeIKP and Covid scanner applications, e-services: e-prescription, e-referral, e-registration for vaccinations, central e-registration, EU Covid Certificate, Electronic Medical Records. They are used by millions of Poles and tens of thousands of medical and pharmaceutical entities. Our data warehouses provide information that supports business analyses and management decisions of institutions responsible for shaping health policy in Poland. We are designing and testing tools using artificial intelligence that will support the physician's decision on patient diagnostics, disease treatment and prevention. In our daily work, we are guided by the belief that it is the people who constitute our greatest resource and value. We form a team of more than 350 experts who ensure the correct operation of the e-health ecosystem in Poland, providing new, user-friendly solutions to support health management.

The e-Health Centre is a unit funded from the national budget, and established by the Minister of Health.
We started our activities on August 1, 2000.

We manage


central IT systems and systems supporting disease prevention and patient treatment on a daily basis

grafika wektorowa obrazująca ideę ekosystemu e-usług
zdjęcie przedstawiające pracowników przy pracy nad projektem

We form a team
 of more than


experts who ensure the correct operation of the e-health ecosystem in Poland

grafika wektorowa obrazująca ideę ekosystemu e-usług

Building ecosystem e-health in Poland



Centrum e-Zdrowia (e-Health Centre) in cooperation with the key stakeholders of the healthcare system sets directions for development and builds the
e-health ecosystem in Poland so that it responds to the greatest extent, to the expectations of patients and safeguards their interests.

We provide and develop central IT systems supporting diagnostics, treatment and preventive care. Thanks to our solutions the effectiveness and availability of the health care system in Poland is increasing, which contributes to the improvement of the care of the patient, who – thanks to the made available solutions – becomes its active participant.

The knowledge and experience of our experts and the use of innovative technologies allows for the creation of solutions meeting the needs of all stakeholders, regardless of their digital skills.Thus we contribute to the creation of a modern information society.

The eHealth Centre has develop a strategy, which covers the next five years - 2023-2027.


Our products

The state-of-the-art products and multifaceted ICT solutions we provide at the e-Health Centre form an innovative ecosystem of medical e-services.

    This is one of the most important ICT projects that forms the core of the subsystems, services, and applications that streamline healthcare planning and delivery processes.

    They support the daily work of medical entities, medical profess sionals, and public administration responsible for the functioning of the healthcare sector. They provide patients with digital tools to help manage their own and their loved ones’ health and medical professionals with solutions to support diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

    The portfolio of digital services includes e-prescription, e-referral, Internetowe Konto Pacjenta, the mojeIKP, the Electronic Medical Records, and the the Central Electronic Registration for COVID-19 vaccination.

    Our portfolio of digital services comprises IT systems that include medical registers, domain ICT systems, and systems that support prevention and treatment. Each was developed in accordance with the standards for data collection and exchange in medicine - Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise.

    Integrated public registers enable the collection and exchange of medical information. They provide knowledge about the healthcare sector and e-administration services. The registers are available on an IT platform that allows businesses and public administration entities to quickly and easily access the registered data.

    Domain-based IT systems streamline business processes for managing and accessing information in the healthcare system. They contribute to more effective healthcare planning by the administration, taking into account the current status of personnel resources, equipment, and availability of medicines.

    Systems that support prevention and treatment enable central management of key processes in this area. We are currently working on implementing a system that will support the development of transplantation medicine and a system to manage blood and blood components.

    We use cutting-edge analytical models and data technologies to design and deliver solutions that improve the public healthcare system.

    The e-Health Centre develops Business Intelligence solutions that enable gaining the knowledge and information necessary to make strategic and long-term decisions to improve the functioning of the healthcare sector in Poland.
    Our analyses support correct, secure, and smooth flow of information. These high-tech tools enable their users to observe and predict trends and prevent and respond to crises.

    The systems and registers we develop and manage collect and process the sensitive data of the citizens, medical centres and national institutions.

    Observance of the principles of safe data management is the key for the proper functioning of the e-health ecosystem. That is why we have appointed  a Cybersecurity Team.

    Similarly to other cybersecurity teams, we utilise the Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) and act in accordance with the guidelines issued by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity – ENISA. We secure the most sensitive areas and strive to ensure that the resources entrusted with us remain completely safe.

    e-Zdrowie w liczbach

    18 m

    Internetowe Konto Pacjenta users 

    >2 bn

    issued e-prescriptions

    > 198 m

    issued e-referrals

    > 6 m

    mojeIKP app installations



    • Tomasz Jeruzalski

      Unit Director

      Manager with more than 20 years of experience in managing large IT functional structures and in leading strategic IT projects in state-owned companies, among others. Finalist of the CIO of the Year competition. IT solutions implemented by him have received awards: IT Europroduct, IT Leader, IT Implementation Leader, Best Polish Service, Polish Innovation Award, New@Poland. Originator of the eWUŚ system - Electronic Verification of Beneficiary Entitlements. In recent years, he coordinated medical projects including eKonsylium, "Okobus" with the use of artificial intelligence in medicine. He has served on many supervisory and scientific boards.

      He received his PhD defending his thesis "Information systems and efficiency and effectiveness of public administration processes". He is a co-author of nationwide expert reports and strategies, including "Strategy for reaching interpretive solutions with the EU on identity authentication and trust services." He is the author of dozens of publications in the field of cyber security, digitization and efficiency of IT system implementation.

      zdjęcie Tomasza Jeruzalskiego
    • Andrzej Sarnowski

      Division Director (DIII)
      Deputy Director for the Development
      of the Medical Information System
      and Implementations

      At Centrum e-Zdrowia he is responsible for cybersecurity and IT systems operation processes. Manager with over 20 years of experience in international IT and telecommunications companies. Expert in the field of management and telecommunications systems. Graduate of MBA studies at the Institute of the Foundations of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as postgraduate studies in cybersecurity in the Higher School of Personnel Management in Warsaw.

      Graduate of the faculty Electronics and Telecommunications at Warsaw University of Technology. Currently reading for a Ph.D. at Leon Kozminski Academy.

      Andrzej Sarnowski
    • Jarosław Abramczyk

      Division Director (DII)
      Deputy Director for IT Architecture
      and e-Health Services

      Acting Division Director (DIV)
      Deputy Director for the Operation
      and Security of IT Systems

      At Centrum e-Zdrowia he supervises the development of the e-Health system and the analysis center and is responsible for the coordination of health care digitization processes.
      Manager with more than 30 years of experience in managerial positions in international and national institutions. 
      For the last 3 years in the health sector. Most recently worked as director of the IT Department at the National Health Fund. 
      Graduate in economic cybernetics and computer science at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), postgraduate studies in institutional management at the SGH and the Personal Leadership Academy at the ICAN Institute.  

      Jarosław Abramczyk